Saveetha Microbiology Saveetha Microbiology

Anthrax - Scientific weapon In War

INTRODUCTION: In September: 11 2001, out breaks terrorist attacked by the support of biological warfare, Caused d by anthrax gram positive Bacillus cutaneous, Inhalations of spore and Gastrointestinal anthrax, by encapsulated, spore bearing organism


Scientific name: Bacillus anthracis

Rank: Species

Phylum: firmicutes

Domain: Bacteria

family :bacillaceae

order: Bacillales

            Vaccine works,20may 2022

    Bubonic plague commonly called as black death, At During the deca

de if a Person is effected with Anthrax he has to be burried, a great fall of the population of the Europe. The Rhone River is the evidence about the plaque, was a grave yard for the plaque victim island.


In 1941, the Legacy of  Gruinard island The experiment Land for the british where they first tried of anthrax biological weapons

against the European countries,the land was highly contaminated by anthrax spores is strictly prohibited.

By, Thomas Newdick, November 26,2020

epidemiology: Anthrax, it is primarily effect the cattle goats, sheeps. causative agent is gram positive bacillus anthracis,world wide had adverse,outbreak in 2001 of North dakows by the Skin touch followed by result in cutaneous anthrax or by the accidental inhalation of spore or injections extensive hemorrhage and accomplished skin lesions bloody stools.

MODE OF TRANSMISSION : By the spore spread of aerosol, In  the form of microscopic droplets of widespread. It is Diagnosis by the testing pus collected from cutaneous lesions blood and cerebro-spinal fluid for blood stream invasion meningoencephalitis.

Source,mertin ERBEK,28 February 2017

MICROSCOPY STUDY:It shows the gram  positive bacilliu These Spores take up  polychrome methelyne the amorphous purplish material blue for few seconds, amorphous purplish material is found around the bacilli for the fat gloubles Sudan black  B stain is suitable.


CULTURE : can be grown on agar plates

Providing optimal temperature 12-45c. its highly hazardous should not be followed in the laboratory, because it consists infectious spores.

CDC centre for disease, control and prevention


Guidelines lines For this identification after bio-terroism threat CDC centres for Disease Control of prevention (CDC),

IMMUNIZATION AVA Anthrax vaccine absorbed Licensed vaccine  for human use,

pre-exposure and post exposure schedule. of vaccine is followed


 CONCLUSION:  The black death, plaque haus, Swept the population, A minute spore transformed and used bio weapon [Biofare] in the war  Is there any other bioweapon other than anthrax bacillus?


(I) fundamental of microbiology.EdwardAlcomo,PhD

Publisher,Jones and Bartlett, Sudbury,Massachusetts

(II)Anantha Narayana and panikers 12 edition, editor Reba kanungo

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